Greatest TV Fictional Serial Killers

We all have guilty pleasures, but one is hardest to admit: our affection for serial killers. We don't "like" people who murder for pleasure, but we're fascinated by their cunning, their secrecy and their icy genius. We yearn to unlock their private traumas and tortured pasts. We are mesmerized by their elaborate cruelty. Like car accidents, serial killers are horrifying and awful, but we rubberneck all the same. Here's a list of greatest TV serial killers.

Hannibal Lecter - "Hannibal"

Dr. Lecter is a brilliant forensic psychiatrist. He is also a serial killer and a cannibal, preparing the meat of his victims into tasty dishes for himself and serving them to unsuspecting guests. Although he is a killer, Lecter is still a very refined gentleman. He is meticulous in appearance, speaks very precisely, has an impeccable wit, astonishing intellect, and a gourmet palate.

Dexter Morgan – “Dexter”

Surely everyone knows this forensic blood spatter analyst slash vigilante…hero? While not solving crimes, Dexter dispatches those who have eluded the justice system, in an effort to keep his dark passenger at bay. Known to the public as “the Bay Harbor Butcher,” Dexter takes top honors because of his strict code of ethics: he only takes action once he has irrefutable evidence. Most of the time.

Earl Bulford – “Criminal Minds”

This guy's a taxidermist-turned-murderer with a serious eyeball fetish. Earl uses his hunting skills to set traps for his prey, then slashes his victims’ throats before disposing of them. As a pseudo calling card, this killer cuts out his targets’ eyes after each kill, and places these mementos in a stuffed animal.

Danny Jennings – “House M.D.”

A homeless man is hospitalized with burns, and his condition rapidly deteriorates. We realize something is seriously wrong when he says his seared flesh smells like licorice. By the time House’s team discovers it’s the high-vegetable hospital diet making him sick, Danny is gone and the FBI is on his trail. Turns out, this bum has been surviving on a steady diet of soylent green.

The Miniature Killer – “CSI”

This meticulous murderer makes tiny and ultra-realistic models of her crimes. Natalie Davis first killed when she pushed her younger sister out of a tree, and this left her with an obsession with miniatures and bleach. The Miniature Killer is the main villain of CSI’s seventh season, and she caps things off by kidnapping Grissom’s girlfriend to get back at him.

The Carver – “Nip/Tuck”

This masked, Prada-wearing serial rapist follows the mantra that “beauty is a curse on the world.” He is always sure to disfigure his victims by carving a smile on their faces, and he comes to pursue the surgeons that try to fix his work. The Carver turns out to be a brother and sister team that shares a serious hate-on for unnecessary plastic surgery.

Red John – “The Mentalist”

As the series’ main bad guy, this murderer thinks of himself as an artist and a performer. Red John killed Patrick Jane’s wife and daughter, and set the Mentalist on a course for revenge. He likes to see his victims begging for mercy, and always paints his signature smiley face on the wall in his victims’ blood. And, like all good serial killers, Red John seems to have nine lives.

The Trinity Killer – “Dexter”

For decades, this innocent-looking family man has traveled the country building houses for charity. However, Arthur Mitchell satisfies his own dark passenger by murdering people in the same ways his sister, mother and father died. Despite being called the Trinity Killer, there is always a fourth victim: a little boy who is buried alive. Trinity earned his spot by murdering the person our protagonist holds most dear.

The Gormogon – “Bones”

As is being a cannibal isn't unsettling enough, this killer wears a set of false teeth made from the canines of his victims. Unlike the others on this list, the Gormogon is a series of apprentices who take on the work of their master, while also gathering souvenirs. Their collection of bones is over 100 years old.

Floyd Feylinn Ferell – “Criminal Minds”

This cannibal takes things one step further by force-feeding the fingers of his previous victims to his newest prey. Floyd thinks he is possessed by a flesh-eating demon, but what really gives him a spot on our list is the tenacity he shows when he feeds the good guys some chili, laced with the body parts of a corpse. Yum.


  1. Murder as entertainment...and you wonder why the streets of America are covered in blood?

    1. Yeah, because history proves us that before TV and Video games, there was much less violence...

    2. Yeah, because it's such a recent thing to include violence in media. It's not like Shakespheare wrote about that shit or anything

    3. people don't do horrible shit in real life because they they were influenced by tv [i've noticed that the people that say others are easily influenced by the media are the ones that are influenced the most. though it usually manifests into dumb opinions.], but because of reasons in real life that break them, and the things they learn that build them back up in a less-than-normal way.

    4. They're not covered in blood, crime and violence are at an all time low in recorded history. Things are better than they have ever been.

    5. Such an ignorant first post.

    6. Thanks, I lol'd. "Covered in blood."

    7. crime has been on a noted decline since 1994 (before any of these shows) and the only uptick in the 70's and 80's was a statistical side effect of changing the definitions of the crimes and how they were measured, not in actual occurrences, UCR/NIBRS 1-4 etc. educate yourself son.

    8. The only thing to be sad about here is that you probably have no idea how stupid you are. As far off as you are, it's doubtful this is the only thing in you've been completely wrong about today. I feel for your family and coworkers. They must be miserable around you, not being able to get even a little bit of common sense through your head.

    9. My watching of superhero movies does not allow me to fly, or even become more courageous.

      Also despite watching Goodwill Hunting, I am no math genius.

    10. It takes 10 seconds to google the historic murder rate to see that it is a downward trend with murder being far more commonplace hundreds of years ago.

      But you go ahead and keep being an ignorant dbag.

    11. Stop menstruating on our streets. Plug it up.

  2. To the person above me: Stop talking so much s*** it's just television show and they are good entertainment. Do you think murder is new and only started appearing after the invention of the television? Pick up a history book you moron.

  3. I was hoping to find triple K, from Castle.

  4. All I can say is that sex on tv is wrong, it glorifies...oh wait wrong forum

  5. What a shitty selection of shows. What about millenium / x files?

  6. What about House of Cards: Frank Underwood.

    1. Not really a serial killer. Not enough victims.

  7. Jim Moriarty. Sherlock. Andrew Scott.

  8. BILLY BOB THORNTON in FARGO???? this list is stupid.

    1. Fargo is a movie... this comment is stupid.

    2. haha... stupid... ?

    3. It's TV show too, dumbass

  9. What about the guy from The Following???

  10. Dexter. Clearly the best. He brought "serial killer" to television and made it something to queasily root for. It should have only lasted 6 season though.

  11. Without question Dexter was the best on because he is the only one on this list that the audience really got to know. Not just as a killer but as a human being.

    I would also include Brian Moser the Ice Truck Killer from Dexter season 1.

  12. The glaring omission and, in my opinion, the craziest and possibly best serial killer on TV is the Swede from Hell on Wheels. His disdain for humanity is unparalleled and his ability to integrate himself into a number of cultural situations is terrifying.

  13. im surprised the Reaper from criminal minds wasnt on here

  14. Lieutenant Skinner from The Killing Season 3. One of the best single-season story arcs of all time for me.

  15. The Black List: Season One: episode 4 - The Stewmaker. Absolutely horrifying.
